Companies & Businesses
gomo announces its brand new gomo learning suite Email

gomo learning is delighted to announce the global launch of the gomo learning suite at Learning Technologies 2015. The gomo learning suite is a complete e-learning solution comprising gomo’s award-winning authoring tool and an all-new product, gomo hosting & analytics. The gomo learning suite allows subscribers to seamlessly create, host, update and track beautiful multi-device learning from a single place.

Speexx to present key learning trends at Learning Technologies 2015 Email

Speexx will present its new portal release at the upcoming Learning Technologies on 28th- 29th January 2015 at Olympia Central, London. Furthermore, an infographic highlighting top learning trends will be made available to delegates and Speexx will host a free seminar on managing e-learning projects on a global scale.

QuickLessons and BranchTrack partner to bring rapid scenario building to eLearning content development Email

QuickLessons the Collaborative Platform for creating engaging and effective online courses, and BranchTrack a new online tool for creating interactive simulations, announced a global alliance to better serve their customers.

Happy New Year 2015 Email

We wish to our community of readers, partners, advertisers and collaborators a Happy and Prosperous 2015, hoping that all of your projects can be performed with great success. Thanks for all your support during 2014!!


LPI Pathways to Excellence programme extends to Australia Email

LearnKotch, in association with The Learning and Performance Institute (LPI), announces Australian support for Pathways to Excellence, a service designed to rapidly accelerate learning and development (L&D) departments to a high standard of capability and business performance.

EdTrIn acquires FinPa Australia and its learning technology platform Email

Having listed on the Australian National Stock Exchange (NSX), EdTrIn has acquired and merged with FinPa Australia to become EdTrIn Australia. This move marks the first stage of EdTrIn’s growth and implementation strategy. The FinPa acquisition provides EdTrIn with a ‘state-of-the-art’ learning technology platform and an immediate asset base of AUS$2.5m with annual revenue flows of some AUS$1m for 2014. FinPa currently provides education and training services to over 50 Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) in Australia.

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