Companies & Businesses
Moodle 2.6 is available

Moodle 2.6 is now finally available for download (download site! It's been a long six months - time to take a breath and look at all the things that our community has produced! Over 120 developers worldwide (and about 20 in Moodle HQ) have coding credits in this release”, Martin Dougiamas announced from the Moodle Majlis in Muscat, where he just had several days of Moodle community goodnes.


“This release contains hundreds of improvements and fixes that address requests from the community, but the major ones fall into two basic categories: usability improvements that improve how Moodle functions from a user point of view and performance improvements that allow Moodle to run faster and better in a wider range of software environments”, the creator of Moodle informed:

  1. Usability improvements: improved responsive behaviour for all types of devices, clean new course editing interfaces, annotation of PDF assignment submissions, improved course management, a more user-friendly text editor, additional name fields, a new course format that lets you make a course out of any single activity, support for non-Gregorian calendars and much more.
  2. Performance improvements: new options for handling sessions using backends like memcached, full support for PHP OPcache, faster admin menus, improvements on MS SQL and Maria DB and more.


Moodle 2.6 New Features:


Videos with some of the main new features: