Companies & Businesses
G-Cube got ranked among the top 100 companies in the Asia Pacific region by leading global media company – Red Herring

Red Herring Top 100 Award is one of the industry’s most prestigious recognitions, with hundreds of candidates from each continent competing for the coveted Top 100 spot.


The Red Herring Top 100 award highlights the most exciting organizations from Asia, Europe and the Americas. Hundreds of companies from each region are reviewed in a rigorous 3-step process that looks at all aspects of the company. Red Herring uses more than 20 criteria to analyze the companies- including level of specialty, technology advantage, growth rate, branding and so on.


Past Red Herring Lists included companies such as Daum, Facebook, Kakao, Twitter, Rakuten,, Xiaomi and YouTube that have changed the way we live and work.


“Choosing the companies with the strongest potential was by no means a small feat,” said Alex Vieux, publisher and CEO of Red Herring.


“After rigorous contemplation and discussion, we narrowed our list down from hundreds of candidates from across Asia to the Top 100 Winners. We believe G-Cube embodies the vision, drive and innovation that define a successful entrepreneurial venture. G-Cube should be proud of its accomplishment, as the competition was as strong as ever.”


G-Cube’s CEO, Manish Gupta, credits a diligent focus on innovation, cost-effective implementations and incorporation of ‘new-age’ solutions for the company’s steady growth.


He said, “We are proud to be part of the select few who have featured on the Red Herring Top 100. Changing business climate over the last few years has made it challenging for most players in the learning industry to maintain aggressive growth rates. But we thrive on challenges and it is great pleasure when our hard work gets recognized in one of the most prestigious business listing of the world. We take inspiration from this win and are geared up to continue our efforts to create technology-enabled learning solutions, for organizations- big and small, all across the globe”.


G-Cube is an award-winning e-learning solutions provider that designs, develops and delivers technology-based learning solutions. Its solutions help organizations to improve their performance by using learning as a tool. Its learning solutions are broadly categorized into e-Learning Design, Courses Development and Learning Delivery Solutions.


Red Herring is a global media company which unites the world’s best high technology innovators, venture investors and business decision makers in a variety of forums: a leading innovation magazine, an online daily technology news service, technology newsletters and major events for technology leaders around the globe. Red Herring provides an insider’s access to the global innovation economy, featuring unparalleled insights on the emerging technologies driving the economy.