Companies & Businesses
Speexx ‘A Million Chances' initiative supports international charity Concern Worldwide

Speexx, the leading provider of corporate online language training, has marked its one-year partnership with global charity Concern Worldwide. Over 200 employees across 16 countries have started a language course with Speexx this year.


As part of its A Million Chances campaign, each year, Speexx donates one million Euros worth of language courses to charities and NGOs around the globe. One of this year’s new partners is Dublin-based charity Concern Worldwide, an international charity dedicated to tackling poverty and suffering in the world’s poorest countries.


Members of staff at Concern build their skills at their own pace and also take part in regular virtual classroom sessions. This has made it possible for Concern employees from countries such as Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Haiti, Lebanon, Malawi, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda and many more to improve their language skills online, resulting in better communication and outcomes.


“I really appreciate their approach of teaching. Learning with Speexx is like chatting with a friend while developing your language skills”, remarks one Concern employee from Ethiopia.


“The courseware is very interactive and offers students a way to learn that does not feel like a chore. I am motivated to continue to the end, due to the diversity of methodologies applied to keep the student interested and engaged”, says another based in Rwanda.


Armin Hopp, Founder and President of Speexx comments “We’re delighted to have found such a great partner in Concern Worldwide. Improving language skills for Concern’s employees means that they will be able to communicate and work more effectively both with colleagues and those in need. Our cloud-based courses can be delivered to employees even in remote locations who wouldn’t normally have access to these resources.”


The educational project covers all language levels ranging from beginners to advanced for English and French, and is accessible on desktop and mobile devices. In addition, HR Managers at Concern have an overview of all learning progress and updates in the Speexx Performance Centre.