Companies & Businesses
Learning 2015 published its Program Guide with detailed descriptions of over 190 sessions and 16 keynotes speakers

Elliott Masie, Chair at The Learning CONSORTIUM and Curator & Host at Learning 2015 says: “There are over 1,300 global colleagues registered to come to Orlando from November 1st - 4th to engage and learn together about the future of workplace learning”.

"Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple) and Sal Khan (founder of Khan Academy) are just two of our over 16 Keynoters, who will interactively explore the innovation and change in learning approaches, analytics and user targeting. We are also honored to have video interviews with Susan Cain, author of Quiet and Marshall Goldsmith, author of Triggers."


“In addition to Steve Wozniak and Sal Khan, we have added more unique learning experiences, including an EdTech @ Work Lab to explore how new apps and ventures in the K-12 and Higher Ed space can be leveraged and adapted to the corporate learning arena”, announces Masie.


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