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E-learning: system integration and content migration |
Mc Donalds, Banco Macro, UTN and Aeropuertos Argentina 2000, among other organizations, are working in the integration of LMS with a significant variety of management systems. 76% of the companies consider very important, while 24% considered it a relevant issue. by Pablo Raganato, Executive Director of e- ABC America
A survey made by the portal of Learning & Performance Brasil, reveal that 76% of the organizations considers very important the integration of learning management systems with other administration software, while 24% considered important. In no case, this growing need in the organizations became irrelevant.
This measuring clearly shows a tendency that is generalizing in the organizations and, the e-learning solution providers, must be prepared with the alternative answers to fulfill the needs and specific requirements of each organization.
Our capacity to integrate the different LMS available in the market, both open source and proprietary- with the diverse systems of business management, allow us to offer the companies a value added of maximum consideration nowadays.
A proof of that are the experiences we are developing from e-ABC America with clients like McDonalds (Moodle with Oracle integration), Banco Macro (Moodle integration with multiple MS Active Directory and META4) and Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 (Joomla with Moodle integration), among other cases.
In each project of these characteristics, there are, at least 2 integrating systems, and the conditions to do it are the following: • One of them must be a learning management system, like Moodle, Dokeos, Chamilo, eFront, ATutor, Mahara, Joomla or Dupal (in e-ABC America we know, implement and integrate all of them, as well as other systems as php + mysql). • The other system to integrate with the LMS that corresponds, must have one othe these conditions: - To be an open code system in PHP. - Must have a property regimen in which you can have full access to the PHP code and database. -To be a commercial system, in any programming language, with a known interface, that allows the integration with the other systems. This interface has to be well documented and the client must provide this information. In case that the systems to integrate don’t comply with some of these conditions, they must be analyze with the purpose of determined the viability of the integration.
From e-ABC America , we also highlight the capacity of migrating courses from any platform to another, while it is technically possible; meaning, that the platform have the technological conditions to do it. Usually, they are all the web resources, and also PDF, Flash, HTML, SCORM packages, Tin Can API, AICC, etc.
We can manage the 90% of the requirements in projects of these characteristics, and the exceptions are given in cases, eg: that the application is focus on a flash platform on cell phones that will not hold up to it, or any other projects with similar situations.
The capacity of migration is practically unlimited and is also viable to the involve platforms updates. Like in the integrations we comment above, from e-ABC America, we can do it with Moodle, Blackboard, SABA, Sum Total, Dokeos, Chamilo, eFront, ATutor, Mahara, Hoomla or Drupal.
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